Im back!

Since i've posted a huge photo album of my summer in facebook, i thought that it was necesary to make a blog about it!
CUZ IM BACK! hahaha.
I arrived here last week, i came back with my mother, cuz we were the only ones (of my family) in the coast.. and even though i had the chance of staying there for two or three weeks more, i decided to come back..
My summer wasnt what i was expecting.. I mean, i did a lot of things, but most of the things i had planned on doing, didnt turn out that well...  Still, i share a lot of good memories, and i want to talk about that, and im going to show you guys, a few pictures!

One of the things i miss the most, is ridding my bicycle through the town..

I miss the night..

I miss the day..

I miss the food.. hahah

I miss the beach..

But, most of all, i miss being aroung people all the time.. Waking up, go to the beach with your friends, come back from the beach with them, have dinner.. even if its raining, there was someone always there.. Someone to walk with, someone to play a game.. I dont have ANYTHING of that here.. Its me, all alone 24/7.. And i didnt knew that till i got here..

Obviously, theres tons of pictures in my facebook, if you want to see.. you dont even have to add me, cuz i think my profile its fully public for anyone to see..

Finally, theres something else i did.. and this, came true as i expected..
I went to an mgmt concert on the beach.. for FREE. YES, not only was a concert of mgmt.. it was on the beach.. and it was free! Feeling the sand on my feets, the smell of the ocean. It was amazing.

And i found one of my friends after the show

 It isnt easy to describe the hole month in a simple blog post.. and i have to admit that, im not in the best mood for doing that, hahah.. Im not sleeping quite well, i got very sick since i got here.. So im leaving now. Hope you guys had a great weekend!

listening: Chemistry - One Night Only